Thursday, September 24, 2020

Stress and the Immune system

It is a common belief that one tends to get sick more often when we are stressed out.  Stress, anxiety can decrease the functioning of your immune system and make you more vulnerable to the flu and other infections. If you cannot get over your stress for a long time, it may decrease the immune functioning and our body will not be able to cope with the stress thereby taking a toll on the body.  Another important factor is that the decrease in immune system functioning is greater for people who are elderly or already sick. This is expected why older people who are severely injured or have recently lost a loved one are much more likely to die early than those who don’t undergo these problems.

Studies have shown that disturbing events can stick with us and affect our immune system even after the stress is gone. One can show decreased immunities year’s later if was involved in an accident or experienced a traumatic loss and hence the best way to increase immunities in this case is to undergo treatment and consultation for the trauma.

Stress not only causes a decrease in the functioning of the immune system but can make you more prone to long term illnesses like cardiovascular disease.  Therefore it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle which would include a proper diet, include activities to relieve your stress and take an herbal supplement which boosts the immune system and Increase immune functioning -

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