Monday, September 28, 2020

From strengthening immunity to improving health - Tulsi

The common cold and flu is caused due to a variety of viruses, which mutate quite frequently during reproduction, resulting in constantly changing virus strains and the symptoms of both diseases can vary between mild and very bad. Common cold is generally spread when drops coming out when a person sneezes or coughs get airborne and transmission by direct contact with a sick person is also frequent. People suffering from cold, cough and flu are normally indoors and people in close proximity tend to get affected as germs spread with the sneezes and coughing which causes a person to become ill and weak.

Patients suffering from cold sores need to be calm as they can put a lot less stress on their immune system. This anxiety actually stresses the immune system as stress produces harmful toxins which get released into the system.

The best way is to stay away from people suffering from cold and flu and follow good hygiene to stop the transmission of common cold by washing your hands and keeping your hands away from your face. Herbal supplements like Tulsi help relieve stress, symptoms of cold and strengthens the immune system which helps to beat the infection. Pain killers like aspirin, etc. are the most common treatment but these drugs can give adverse reactions.  Take an effective and safe Tulsi supplement and remain healthy -

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