Monday, June 21, 2021

Tulsi (Holy Basil) one of nature's most important herbs

Many of us when we encounter the cold and flu season we take the pharmaceutical drugs; cold and cough can be treated naturally without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. The immune system should be strong enough to be able to fight off disease as when it is weak pathogens may enter the body leading to the common cold.  We should have a healthy diet which includes fruits like blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, kiwis, raspberries, apples, peaches and vegetable which are very important to fight off the cold and flu.  Drinking lot of water is also beneficial as it will thin mucous making it easier for the body to expel.  Exercises like brisk walking help in circulation and strengthening the immune system.

Herbs help to build the immune system and Tulsi is one of the most important herbs; it is a gift of nature, rich in antioxidants and has various medicinal properties. It is extremely effective against common ailments like fever and cold and can be used as a remedy against influenza, cough, cold and asthma.  Tulsi is a potent nerve tonic and works as a memory booster and most important it helps in reducing stress.  It was various other benefits and taking a Tulsi supplement has a stabilizing effect on the body's system and a positive effect on overall health and wellness -

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